Pro Tips

Metal stamps may disturb the roundness of the rod bore. Paint tool-maker’s layout dye on the rod and cap, then inscribe numbers.

NEVER use bolts to draw down the rod cap.
Locate cap dowel sleeves into the counterbores of the rod. Then, CAREFULLY tap cap into place.

CLEAN all parts thoroughly to remove all dirt and foreign oils.
Spread ARP Ultra bolt lube on the threads and under head of bolt and tighten per instructions below.

Stretch: While the stretch method has become widely accepted as the most accurate method of obtaining proper clamping force, the method of obtaining proper stretch has been confusing. To obtain proper stretch you cannot “as it might be called” chase the stretch, meaning turning the bolt in small steps to come to the recommended stretch. After 50 lb/ft to 60 lb/ft of torque, the clamp load of the threads is getting so great; you are turning the head of the bolt before the threads start to turn. Thus the bolt is not being turned 1 to 1 (head of bolt to threads of bolt). This can result in TWIST FRACTURING and / or TWIST YIELDING the shank of the bolt leading to premature failure.

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Tips and Tricks For Filing Piston Rings

The ring gap allows the expansion of the piston rings in the bore – due to engine heat – without butting the ends up against each other. If there isn’t enough gap and the ring butts up against itself